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公司物理系本科生王天昊、宋若峰在Journal of Materials Chemistry C发表论文

阅读次数:     发布时间:2021-08-20

铅卤钙钛矿环境稳定性差是阻碍其实际应用的关键瓶颈。迄今为止,研究者们提出了多种提高钙钛矿稳定性的策略,包括成分工程、表面钝化、合成后处理、基质封装等,但制备过程均较为复杂。实验研究发现,含氟聚合物可有效提高钙钛矿稳定性。近期,我们利用含聚氟乙烯/聚偏二氟乙烯(PVF/PVDF)涂层的 PET 板,通过两步溶胀法成功制备了均匀、多色、高亮度的 CH3NH3PbX3 纳米晶薄膜。基于PVF/PVDF薄膜的三维网络互穿结构,溶胀法生长的钙钛矿纳米晶均匀地嵌入PVF/PVDF薄膜内。此外,我们发现实验中的PVDF膜包含ag相结构,生长钙钛矿纳米晶后,由于分子间的相互作用极性的gPVDF消失,仅存在非极性的a相。因此,合成的PVF/PVDF-CH3NH3PbX3纳米晶薄膜在高湿、氧等离子体处理和极端酸碱环境中均能保持较高的稳定性。相关工作以“Swelling-processed High Luminescent Organic Perovskite with Superior Stability”为题发表在Journal of Materials Chemistry C期刊上。


Figure 1(a), (b) the fluorescence images and PL spectra of as-prepared multi-colour CH3NH3-halide perovskites under 365 nm lamp excitation. (c) The air resistance test of photoluminescent MAPbX3 at room temperature.

Figure 2. (a) PL intensity evolution of CH3NH3PbBr3 nanocrystals film in the air at room temperature. (b) The O2 plasma treatment test of luminescent CH3NH3PbBr3 nanocrystals film. (c, d) The resistance of luminescent CH3NH3PbBr3 nanocrystals film within 1mol/L aqueous acid and alkali solution.



DOI: 10.1039/d1tc02650j